
世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, 以下簡稱WHO)為聯合國專門機構(the specialized agencies of United Nations)之一,主要專責衛生方面的事務,截至2003年5月,WHO共有192個成員國。其構想起源於一九四五年聯合國在美國舊金山舉行的聯合國國際組織會議(The United Nations Conference on International Organizations),由我國和巴西代表共同提出之議案:召開國際衛生會議,以成立一個主管全球衛生事務之機構。一九四六年,國際衛生會議順利召開,並通過「世界衛生組織憲章」;一九四八年四月七日,該憲章獲得聯合國會員國過半數政府的批准生效,WHO正式誕生,聯合國並將每年的四月七日訂為世界衛生日。

WHO係以追求人類最高的健康水準為宗旨,透過提供衛生諮詢與技術服務,以及宣導各種疾病及環境衛生知識等方式,協助全球各國政府提升其人民之健康品質。WHO對健康所下的定義為『身體、精神和社會生活的完美狀態,非僅免於疾病及虛弱』。WHO於一九四八年六月廿四日召集第一屆世界衛生大會(World Health Assembly,簡稱WHA);WHA係WHO最高權力機關,每年五月由所有成員國共同在日內瓦召開。WHA的主要任務為審核WHO在下年度的計畫及預算,並決定主要策略問題。

WHO總部設於瑞士的日内瓦,並於各大洲設有六個分署(Regional Office):
· 非洲分署(Regional Office for Africa)
· 歐洲分署(Regional Office for Europe)
· 東南亞分署(Regional Office for South -East Asia)
· 美洲分署/泛美健康組織(Regional Office for the Americas/Pan-American Health Organization)
· 中東分署(Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean)
· 西太平洋分署(Regional Office for the Western Pacific)*-


The World Health Organization Bis the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

WHO is governed by 192 Member States through the World Health Assembly. The Health Assembly is composed of representatives from WHO's Member States. The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions. A


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