目前分類:國外醫藥資源 (30)

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Drug Information Portal - U.S. National Library of Medicine - Quick Access to Quality Drug Information

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網站名稱: SafeMedication.com

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網站近日匯整出站上在2009年的年度十大熱門藥師繼續教育課程(Top 10 Pharmacists CE of 2009 ),有興趣的朋友可前往參考:

1.Avoiding Medication Errors in Psychiatry

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Medscape 網站編輯了一份2008年的藥師十大線上醫學繼續教育課程( CME/CE ) , 詳細內文只要您註冊登入後即可觀看,以下為課程名稱及連結清單 , 連結進入網頁後 , 點選 Contents of This CME/CE Activity 欄位下的標題名稱可閱讀全文 :

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IPCRG 官方網站:

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RxSchool  is an e-learning web portal and software solutions company that provides a comprehensive suite of educational courses and training tools for the health care industry. The RxSchool web site is utilized by tens of thousands of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, physicians and nurses who practice in hospital, retail, managed care, long-term care, private practice and various other health care settings. As a leader in educational solutions for the industry, RxSchool is supported by pharmaceutical industry sponsors and endorsed by industry associations, employers and educational institutions.

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Empowered Doctor is a service of Empowered Medical Media LLC (EMM). A New York Corporation providing patient education, news, patient recruitment services. EMM's news service EmpoweredHealthNews.com provides daily TV news reports to a network of over 50 TV stations throughout the country. The Empowered Doctor Service offers physicians and healthcare practitioners, patient education and patient recruitment services. EMM also enjoys an exclusive marketing partnership with Castle Connolly Medical Ltd publishers of "America's Top Doctors" and many other publications that offer consumers the very important service of recognizing clinical excellence in America's practicing doctors.

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Pharmacy Times is dedicated to providing pharmacists with practical, authoritative information with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. Primarily focused on providing clinical information that pharmacists can use in their everyday practice when counseling patients and interacting with physicians, Pharmacy Times has recently expanded its coverage to include pharmacy technology and health-systems pharmacy. Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education, important topics include drug errors, drug interactions, pharmacy technology, disease state management, patient counseling, and pharmacy law. Pharmacy Times strictly follows the educational standards set forth in the ACPE Criteria for Quality and seeks to fulfill these important educational needs in the pharmacy profession.

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This Web site is operated by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), a national medical organizations representing more than 93,700 family physicians, family practice residents and medical students. All of the information on this site has been written and reviewed by physicians and patient education professionals at the AAFP. Visit the AAFP Web site to learn more about the AAFP.

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  • Jun 11 Sun 2006 13:47
  • WHO



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  • Jun 11 Sun 2006 13:41
  • CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the 13 major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is the principal agency in the United States government for protecting the health and safety of all Americans and for providing essential human services, especially for those people who are least able to help themselves.

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  • Jun 11 Sun 2006 13:33
  • FDA


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Who We Are

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is the official public standards-setting authority for all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements, and other healthcare products manufactured and sold in the United States. USP sets standards for the quality of these products and works with healthcare providers to help them reach the standards. USP's standards are also recognized and used in more than 130 countries. These standards have been helping to ensure good pharmaceutical care for people throughout the world for more than 185 years.

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The BNF is a joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. It is published biannually under the authority of a Joint Formulary Committee which comprises representatives of the two professional bodies and of the UK Health Departments. The Dental Formulary Subcommittee oversees the preparation of advice on the drug management of dental and oral conditions; the Subcommittee includes representatives of the British Dental Association.

The BNF aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines.

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This database includes English name, structural formula, molecular formula and molecular mass, chemical name and CAS registry number of "the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fourteenth Edition, part I (882 articles) and part II (481 articles)".

You can see the files in a form of ChemDraw version 5.0 and download all the 660 files of structural formulas in "the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fourteenth Edition". As this database which is now opened to the public is just for evaluation and we haven’t checked the input data completely, please be careful when you use it.

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  • May 27 Sat 2006 19:00
  • NEJM


At NEJM  (The New England Journal of Medicine's )Online, you’ll find a wide variety of clinically relevant medical information, including all the content from the New England Journal of Medicine. You’ll find complete descriptions of our article types, features, and services by clicking on the links below.

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  • May 27 Sat 2006 18:51
  • JAMA


JAMA(the Journal of the American Medical Association),published continuously since in 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published 48 times per year. JAMA is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world. JAMA is published in multiple international editions and languages; the online version is made freely available to institutions in developing countries. JAMA's impact factor is 24.8 (the impact factor is a measure of citation rate per article, and is calculated by dividing 1 year's worth of citations to a journal's articles published in the previous 2 years by the number of major articles [eg, research papers, reviews] published by that journal in those 2 years). JAMA's acceptance rate is approximately 8% of the nearly 6000 solicited and unsolicited manuscripts it receives annually; its average time from submission to publication is 115 days and average time from receipt to rejection is 23 days (for additional information, see the JAMA editorial). The Editor-in-Chief of JAMA is Catherine DeAngelis, MD, MPH (see JAMA Editors and Publishers).

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  • May 27 Sat 2006 18:48
  • BMJ


The BMJ (British Medical Journal) aims to publish rigorous, accessible and entertaining material that will help doctors and medical students in their daily practice, lifelong learning and career development. In addition, it seeks to be at the forefront of the international debate on health.  To achieve these aims we publish original scientific studies, review and educational articles, and papers commenting on the clinical, scientific, social, political, and economic factors affecting health. We are delighted to receive articles for publication in all of these categories - from doctors and others. We can publish only about 9% of more than 6000 articles that we receive each year, but we aim to give quick decisions (see Advice to contributors). 

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